Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Snowy Day

Okay, so I haven't been great about posting these last few days...sometimes life just gets in the way. Actually, I have been doing a bit of writing, I just haven't time to post about it.

So over the past few days I continue to work on my cover letter and the samples I will be submitting to some education publishers. This afternoon I spent an hour editing a couple of pieces I found hidden in my computer, which I had forgotten about. It's kind of like that twenty dollar bill you find in your ski jacket from last season...

One of the pieces I've edited is a short non-fiction piece for young children about music. The second piece is what is sometimes called faction ( a combination of non-fiction and fiction) which I've written for 10-12 year old children about leeches.

I'm going to begin including my goals for the next writing day at the end of my posts. I'm hoping that this will keep more focused and on track... so for tomorrow I plan to:

1. finish editing my piece for 10-12 yr olds
2. clean up my cover letter to fit onto one page.
3. Blog on my poetry blog and here too.

I think that's all I'll have time for...busy day ahead.

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